
Policy on Compliance and Corporate Ethics

1.Compliance and Corporate Ethics

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel, recognizing the globalization of our business activities, shall comply with domestic and international laws and rules, respect human rights and other norms as well as the local culture, and behave according to high ethical standards.

2.Provision of Safety and Earning of Trust

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall earn the satisfaction and trust of clients by fulfilling our enduring mission of developing and providing safe, socially beneficial products and services.

3.Sound External Relationships

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall conduct business in a manner that is fair, transparent, based on free competition, and proper. They shall also maintain sound, normal relationships with political and governmental contacts.

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall refrain from using company assets and their corporate position/status for private purposes.

4.Fair Disclosure and Proper Information Management

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall strive to communicate with shareholders and society at large, and proactively and fairly disclose company information.

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall properly manage personal information, client information, and other information they handle.

5.Environmental Protection

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall recognize the effort to solve environmental issues as a challenge shared by all humans and as a duty essential for the company’s survival and activity, and shall proactively engage themselves in that effort.

6.Respect for Human Rights

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall respect the diversity, character, and individuality of all persons, and shall be committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming workplace environment that is flexible and affluence.

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall be broadminded and strive to nurture a corporate culture that encourages everyone to pursue their unlimited potential.

7.Severance of Ties with Antisocial Forces

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall resolutely oppose antisocial forces and organizations that threaten the order and security of civil society.

8.Service to Society

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall proactively serve society, both as members of a corporate group that supports social infrastructure and as members of the local community.

9.Fulfillment of the Intent and Purpose of this Policy (Management Commitment)

・The top management, recognizing that it is their duty to fulfill the intent and purpose of this Policy, shall lead by example, promote adherence to this Policy internally and at Group companies, and inform all clients and business partners regarding this Policy. In addition, the top management shall further develop effective internal systems while remaining attuned to feedback from internal and external stakeholders.

10.Problem Resolution (Management Commitment)

・In the event that a violation of this Policy occurs, the top management shall take action to resolve the problem, including by investigating the cause and endeavoring to prevent recurrence. Furthermore, they shall disclose accurate information to the public promptly, hold themselves accountable to the public, and, after clearly identifying the locus of authority and responsibility, strictly deal with the violation, including by addressing their own involvement.

Basic Policy for Preventing Bribery of Foreign Officials, etc.


・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall comply with Japan’s Unfair Competition Prevention Act, the United States of America’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the United Kingdom’s Bribery Act 2010, and the anticorruption laws of other countries (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Anticorruption Laws, etc.”).

2.Prohibition of Bribery

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall never provide nor promise/offer to provide money or other gifts to foreign officials, etc., directly or indirectly, for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, or otherwise supporting business deals, or for securing advantages for JR East Group.

3.Recording and Retention of Transaction Details

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall, in their involvement in overseas business activities, remain compliant with applicable laws and conduct themselves with propriety, and shall make and properly retain accurate records of the purpose and other details of transactions pertaining to those activities.

4.Reporting and Risk Management

・All executive officers, regular employees, and other personnel shall promptly report to the relevant internal department any suspected violations of Anticorruption Laws, etc. and/or this Basic Policy.

To those working at companies that have a business relationship with JR East Group

JR East Group operates a compliance hotline service founded on the purpose and intent of Japan’s Whistleblower Protection Act. In addition to enabling people who work at JR East Group companies to receive consultation or report acts at those companies that they believe violate or risk violating laws, regulations, and corporate ethics, this service can also be used by people working at companies that have a business relationship with JR East Group who wish to receive consultation or report acts in JR East Group that they believe qualify as a “reportable fact” as defined by Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

To use this service, download the prescribed whistleblower form (PDF, 11 KB) , fill it out, and send it to the office listed below.

East Japan Railway Company

c/o Compliance Hotline Office

2-2-2 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8578

In addition to the JR East office above, JEIS also has a whistleblower hotline service. To use it, download the whistleblower form (PDF, 11 KB), fill it out, and send it to the office listed below.

JR East Information Systems Company

c/o Compliance Hotline Office, General Affairs Dept.

Shinjuku Garden Tower 7F, 3-8-2 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0072

Note: Use of this service will not result in any disadvantageous treatment by JR East Group.